It has taken countless batches of sweet tea to get this recipe right. We have suffered through watery tasteless teas, batches of sickly-sweet teas, and explored endless boxes of tea brands; until one blissful day we lighted on this final sweet tea recipe, everyone agreed that we had finally found our family recipe.

Yields 6.5 liters
3 3/4 cup - hot water
3 3/4 cup - packed brown sugar
32 Red Rose™ Tea bags
1 1/2 tsp - baking soda
15 cups - hot water
32 cups - cold water
Starting with the simple syrup; in a medium saucepan add 3 3/4 cup of packed brown sugar to the 3 3/4 cup of hot water, over high heat bring the water to a boil without a lid on the pot.
Meanwhile, add 15 cups of hot water to a large stock pot and place on a lid. Over high heat, heat the water to just before it simmers. While the water is warming gather tea bags and add to one side of a large pot, add the baking soda on top of the tea bags.
Once the water has warmed add it to the tea bags making sure to not pour directly onto the tea bags, gently push the tea bags under the water to submerse and then pop on a lid and let steep for 6 minutes.
While the tea is steeping use the same large stockpot and add 32 cups of cold water to the pot. Once the tea bags have finished steeping gently without squeezing the bags remove them from the steeping pot with a pair of tongs transferring to a bowl.
Pour the steeped tea into the stockpot of cool water. The simple syrup should be boiling and ready to use, carefully remove the syrup from the stove and add to your stockpot. Sir to combine the mixtures together.
Funnel your tea into jugs, or glass jar of your choice. Refrigerate to cool.
NOTE: Add fresh squeezed lemons, or plump peaches, sweet raspberries steeped in this tea make a nice addition or add all 3!
Recipe by Resolute Ridge©