This is a simple delicate cake that we make in the summer a lot, it uses up the abundance of eggs and is a nice light dessert for hot summery days. The left-over yolks can be used to make pudding, so there is no waste.

Yields 1 cake
5oz - cake Flour*
15oz - cold fresh egg whites
15oz - granulated sugar
1tbsp - pure vanilla Extract
1oz - fresh squeezed lemon juice
1/4tsp - sea Salt
Adjust oven rack to middle position and pre heat to 350°
Sift flour and set aside.
Combine egg whites, sugar, and vanilla in a mixer bowl with the whisk attachment. Mix on low to loosen the whites 1 min. Increase mixer to med-low #4 and mix for 3 min whites will be dense and dark. With mixer running add lemon juice and salt, immediately increase speed to med #6 and whip for 3 minutes. Finally increase speed to #8 or high and mix for 2-3 minutes or until glossy white peaks form like soft serve ice cream.
Sprinkle flour on top and stir roughly to combine, switch to folding until flour is mixed in. Scrape into an ungreased Bundt pan or traditional angel food pan, smoothing top of batter.
Bake until firm to the touch, puffy and golden about 45 minutes.
Invert pan upside down on a bottle or use tabs in angel food cake pan. I use our vinegar bottle. Cool cake until COLD to the touch.
Turn pan over and gently slide a spatula down the sides of cake and pull towards the center of the cake gently, repeat for the center of the cake.
Serve with macerated strawberries, vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce.
*You can make your own cake flour by removing 2 tbsp of flour and replacing it with corn starch.
*Try to use the freshest eggs you can get your hands on, farm bought is best.
Recipe by Resolute Ridge©